他的老师是Reginald Foster (Do you know who Regi Foster is? Do you know the Lewis and Short Dictionary? So when Lewis and Short want to renew their dictionary they went to him, and he came up with crazy Latin words for copy machines and printers...),这位大爷“情商不高但是十分brilliant”。管作业叫"ludus domi" (literally 'home game'),他有一个拉丁打字机,u都是v,所有字母大写,ludus domi都用这个打字机打。看一遍作业就能记住学生的名字,然后精准地记住他们的错误 (xxx, you've made this mistake 18 times, you were supposed to get it right on the eighth!).
我们的拉丁老师(因为我们糟糕的成绩焦头烂额)问他Mr Foster是怎么教拉丁的,我觉得副校长啥都不记得了所以糊弄过去了,但是他说Foster从来不会说拉丁难:He would say Latin is not hard, even prostitutes and beggers spoke Latin! 他还记得Foster会带他们去罗马的forum看grafitti,把这些grafitti翻译成英语,其中大部分当然都是脏话。
其中我印象最深的还是Foster特别不喜欢别人说Latin is a dead language: "Latin is not a dead language! You are dead!" 学拉丁语以来一直令我有些难过的还是拉丁到目前为止已经没有特别多实际使用用途了,Foster这种精神和lifestyle真的给了我太多academic hope.