
2 mindsets recently got from How to ADHD

Rejection Sensitivity-How to ADHD

  • what feels like rejection may not be it. instead of using the word rejection, change it to disappointment


How to Set Boundaries in Six Easy Steps-How to ADHD

If you're still not convinced remember this: Anything you give your time and attention to is time and attention that you can't give to something else. So before you say yes to something that you know will over-commit you try to think about the things you're going to have to say "no" to.

boundary不仅应用于社交,个人生活一样实用,感兴趣的东西可以是任何领域,而时间、精力、胃口,都是有限的。规划每天每时每刻的活动、吃什么,这个方针都非常有用。特别引用的那句:如果不对冲动强烈但其实明白更差的东西say no,意味着要对那些更好更有价值的东西say no啊,真是醍醐灌顶!

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