@whyyoutouzhele 官方通报造假,本校学生回应是团队作案,目前凶手还没有抓完。鉴于已经出了通报,我认为警察极大概率不会再公布本案其他凶手抓捕情况了。目前在传的信息是4人团伙作案,有1~2名凶手逃往丁山,请在江苏的多加小心。
"弓形虫病"是由常见原生动物真核生物 Toxoplasma gondii(存在于猫粪便、污染食物等中)感染引起的疾病。该词于1951年出现,由 -osis 和 toxoplasma(1913年)组成,1909年在法语中创造,源自希腊语 toxon “弓,弧形”,指该生物的新月形状(参见 toxic),加上 plasma(参见 plasma)。
1660年代,源自法语 toxique,直接源自晚期拉丁语 toxicus “中毒的”,源自拉丁语 toxicum “毒药”,源自希腊语 toxikon (pharmakon) “(箭用)毒药”,源自 toxikon,中性形式为 toxikos “与箭或射箭有关的”,因此与弓有关,源自 toxon “弓”,可能源自斯基泰人的一个词,该词也被借入拉丁语为 taxus “红豆杉”。沃特金斯(Watkins)认为伊朗语 taxša- “弓”可能是一个来源,源自 PIE *tekw- “奔跑,逃跑”。作为名词的用法始于1890年。有毒废物在医学上指“毒素”,在1955年指“化学或放射性废物”。
1660s, "of or pertaining to poisons, poisonous," from French toxique and directly from Late Latin toxicus "poisoned," from Latin toxicum "poison," from Greek toxikon (pharmakon) "(poison) for use on arrows," from toxikon, neuter of toxikos "pertaining to arrows or archery," and thus to a bow, from toxon "bow," which has been regarded as a loan-word from Scythian.
Watkins suggests a possible source in Iranian taxša- "bow" (from PIE *tekw- "to run, flee"). Beekes, pointing to the early attestation of the Greek word, suggests a Pre-Greek origin.
As a noun from 1890. Related: Toxical. Compare intoxicate. Toxic waste is by 1888 in medicine, "toxin;" by 1955 as "chemical or radioactive waste."