“Extreme behavior in birds is more likely in Australia than anywhere else.” Australian birds occupy more ecological niches than birds anywhere on earth. They tend to be longer lived and more intelligent than birds on other continents. Also, Australia is where some fundamental aspects of bird being were born. Like song.


birds pack more brain cells into a smaller space. When the team counted the number of neurons in the brains of twenty-eight different bird species ranging in size from the pint-size zebra finch to the six-foot-tall emu, they found that birds have higher neuron counts in their small brains than do mammals or even primates of similar brain size. Neurons in bird brains are much smaller, more numerous, and more densely packed than those in mammalian and primate brains. This tight arrangement of neurons makes for efficient high-speed sensory and nervous systems. In other words, say the researchers, bird brains have the potential to provide much higher cognitive clout per pound than do mammalian brains.

鸟类的视锥细胞也是 densely packed, 好厉害呀​:blobcataww:

Ornithological vision has been skewed not just by the hemispheric bias of researchers but also by their gender and gender bias. Until quite recently, most ornithologists were men, and research tended to focus on what male birds were up to; the part played by female birds in the life histories of their species, from female ornamental traits to breeding systems, was often downplayed or ignored.



Some songbirds have such fine control over the multiple muscles in both sides of their syrinx that they can produce different sounds at the same time, in essence, singing a duet with themselves.


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目前觉得这本书还挺好的,但是作为一本介绍鸟类的书过于 human-centric 了,举几个例子:
“These penguins can dive deeper and longer than any other bird and can tolerate extremely low levels of oxygen in their blood—far below those that would render a human unconscious.”
“Bar-headed geese sustain the high oxygen demands of flight in air that is so thin that even the most elite human athletes can barely walk in it.”
“collaborate on tasks in a way we previously thought was possible only in humans.”
“It was once thought that the hearing of birds was limited to a smaller frequency range than human hearing.”
“spontaneity and diversity of movement to music are not uniquely human.”
“These more precisely coordinated, complex duets are the closest analogue we have in the animal world to the structure of human conversation.”

In human speech, words referring to a specific object usually evoke a visual mental image. Think moon or dog or snake. Suzuki found evidence that Japanese tit alarm calls create just this kind of search image in the heads of listening birds. The tit’s jar call causes the birds to search for snakes and to become more visually responsive to any object resembling a snake. It was the first evidence that a non-human animal could visualize something referred to in a vocalization.



If humans can encode all those specific messages in whistles, why not birds?

我惊呆了,这说的什么屁话啊,感情刚才举的人类例子仅仅是为了帮助理解鸟儿的能力啊?不是,鸟儿有点厉害技能这么让人不能理解吗?真就一定要跟人类比啊?反过来说,if birds can fly, why not humans? 这话有任何逻辑吗?

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