听有声书的时候一个常见情况是作者在里面夹一点外语,对朗读者有一定要求。一般英语里出现法语或者意大利语里出现德语我都不奇怪,但是听英文小说的时候朗读者突然字正腔圆地读出“狐狸精”我还是笑到了 :aru_0160: 外国人发 j 这个音还是有点难:
A hulijing was a demon who stole hearts. I shuddered, worried if I would have the courage to face one.


里面提到了一种警察用来调节情绪的 regulator, 可以通过调整化学物质的释放让人在紧急关头保持冷静或者紧张。Ruth 一天中有 23 个小时会使用这种 regulator,在医生的建议下剩下的一个小时她会关掉 regulator,让自己的身体的自然调控重新接管。这一个小时对她来说是一天中最糟糕的一个小时,她会感到无助、困惑又绝望。
我现在偶尔会用 Endel 来帮助我集中注意力,真的很有效,我的大脑不再随时神游了,而是专注于眼前。但是在这个时间段里我会觉得自己像一个被控制的机器人,手在违背我的意志不断地在键盘上敲击。一个 session 结束后我会报复性地开始胡思乱想&浏览网页。

“She fights the impulse to turn on the Regulator. It’s not time yet. She has to give her body the necessary rest.
The Regulator, a collection of chips and circuitry embedded at the top of her spine, is tied into the limbic system and the major blood vessels into the brain. Like its namesake from mechanical and electrical engineering, it maintains the levels of dopamine, noradrenaline, serotonin, and other chemicals in the brain and in her bloodstream. It filters out the chemicals when there’s an excess and releases them when there’s a deficit.
And it obeys her will.
The implant allows a person control over her basic emotions: fear, disgust, joy, excitement, love. It’s mandatory for law enforcement officers, a way to minimize the effects of emotions on life-or-death decisions, a way to eliminate prejudice and irrationality.”
“She despises the raw state of her mind. Without the Regulator, she feels weak, confused, angry. Waves of despair wash over her, and everything appears in hopeless shades of gray. She wonders why she’s still alive.”

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不过这篇倒是写得还不错,并不是完全撇除情绪(现在的科幻是不是已经意识到了这一点?),而是通过同样的机理在调节情绪,也描写了 regulator 带了的负面影响,并通过一部分办案人员的口在 argue “sometimes you needed emotions, instinct, intuition.”

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