“Though we used different signed languages, these Chinese Deaf people and I could make ourselves understood; and though we came from different countries, our mutual Deaf culture held us together. By the end of the evening we’d talked about Deaf life in China, and about Chinese politics.” I nodded. “You couldn’t do that in China,” he said. “No hearing person could. So who’s disabled then?”


Cece has actually spoken four times in her life, and every time the words were appropriate to the situation. When Cece was three, Betsy gave her a cookie; she pushed it back at her, saying, “You eat it, Mommy.” Jeff and Betsy exchanged glances and waited for their world to change. Cece said nothing more for a year. Then one day Betsy stood up to turn off the TV, and Cece said, “I want my TV.” At school, three years later, she turned on the lights and said, “Who left the lights on?” Then one day a puppeteer visited Cece’s class; when he asked, “Hey, kids! What color is the curtain?” Cece responded, “It’s purple.” The capacity to formulate and deliver these sentences suggests a tantalizing lucidity below the silence.


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One clinician told me about a patient who at age ten ran into the street in the middle of traffic, nearly getting run over and causing an accident. His mother said, “But I told you to look both ways before you step into the street!” He said, “I did look both ways.” A psychiatrist I met described a patient who was a math genius, IQ 140, fully verbal, but socially disabled. When the pretty woman at the counter at McDonald’s asked what he’d like today, he said, “I’d like to touch your crotch, please.” He was completely befuddled when the police were called; he had answered her question and said “please.”





A study conducted at Yale found that in adults with autism or Asperger’s, the region of the brain activated during face processing corresponded to the region activated in nonautistic subjects during object processing. Autistic people with fixations, however, may recognize those in the area where most people register faces. So one autistic boy had the same region in his brain light up for his mother as for a teacup. But he was enthralled by Japanese Digimon characters, and when he saw those, the area where most of us process our intimate connections suddenly flashed on.

妈妈 = 茶杯,数码宝贝 = 亲密,这妈得多难过​:aru_0170:

这本书里的缩写太让我难受了,ASL = American Sign Language, AP = Average People, DS = Down Syndrom, FC = Facilitated Communication, EI = Early Intervention… 我明白你们业内人士这么叫方便,但是,呃,好难受,好讨厌缩写


@Friedo 草,这是野史还是真的…确实有看到说爱因斯坦疑似阿斯伯格的说…

@unagi 嗯…但这本书里解释为德国人话少也挺搞笑的 :0160:

@[email protected] 抱歉音游人一下激动了没交代上下文 😆

@unagi 我看到这条po也觉得好难受因为这些缩写还和我日常通用的完全不一样!对我来说 ASL = Azienda Sanitaria Locale (地方卫生局), AP = Applied Physics, DS = Data Science...

@naroix 点头如捣蒜,随便查个什么缩写维基平均就有十个不同词条

@naroix 啊我才发现你头像上那件衣服上写的是 fuck you 吗​:aru_0080:

@unagi 哈哈哈你不说我都没发现耶!!!!

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