[…] we work more effectively, scientists have found, when we continually alter our study routines and abandon any “dedicated space” in favor of varied locations.
let's track down a specific memory in our own brain.
Let's make it an interesting one, too, not the capital of Ohio or a friend's phone number or the name of the actor who played Frodo. No, let's make it the first day of high school. Those tentative steps into the main hallway, the leering presence of the older kids, the gunmetal thump of slamming lockers. Everyone over age fourteen remembers some detail from that day, and usually an entire video clip.
草,作者举的什么例子,不管是 Ohio 的首府,朋友的电话号码,Frodo 的演员,还是高中的第一天,我全都不记得!
另一本 Stanislas Dehaene 的开头感觉引人入胜得多!阐明了这个问题的重要性和相关性,也辅助很多的例子从各个角度证明观点,非常丰富多样。