
“Woman may be said to be an inferior man.”
— Aristotle, 350 b.c.e.

“The ‘telephone’ has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication.”
— Western Union, 1876

“The horse is here to stay but the automobile is only a novelty — a fad.”
— Horace Rackham, Michigan Savings Bank, 1903

“There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in their home.”
— Ken Olsen, Digital Equipment Corp., 1977

“The cloning of mammals … is biologically impossible.”
— James McGrath and Davor Solter, genetic researchers, 1984

“Websites will never replace newspapers.”
— Newsweek, 1995

“There’s no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant market share.”
— USA Today, 2007


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读的是最新的 11 版,发现第一章绝大多数引用都是 2019 和 2020 年的,而且加入了一些 COVID-19 相关内容,比如以前 telemental health service 难以推广,比如保险不支持、从业人员担心技术安全,疫情之后突然就受到了大家的欢迎。

"It is estimated that between 12 and 27 million animals are used as subjects in research studies in the United States each year."

btw 我的 LUSH 浴球包装上写着 fighting animal testing,我好像不会断句了。

虽然 本来也是美国人写的教科书,书里自己也承认现代(心理学)研究的一大局限性是研究对象大部分是西方世界的,但是我看到整本书不断在讲美国这个美国那个的还是好不舒服。。今天看了三十页之后感觉自己的美国浓度已经过量了,刚看到时间线上有人推荐一本题材我很感兴趣的书,但由于是美国XXX学会出品的我立刻就划过去了。。


Freud Fact: Freud was nominated for the Nobel Prize in 12 different years, but never won.

In cases of social anxiety disorder, the therapists encourage clients to immerse themselves in various dreaded social situations and to remain there until their fears subside. Usually the exposure is gradual. Then, using a cognitive-focused intervention, the clinicians and clients reexamine and challenge the individuals’ maladaptive beliefs and expectations in light of the recent social encounters.

In cognitive-behavioral approaches of this kind, clients come to adopt more accurate social beliefs, engage in more social situations, and experience less fear during, and in anticipation of, social encounters. Avoidance and safety behaviors drop away, while social approach behaviors are reinforced by opening the door to the joy and enrichment of social encounters.
心情有点复杂。。我不知道我是不是 social anxiety disorder,我确实极力避免社交场合,只跟熟人打交道,觉得自己缺乏社交技巧,但是我在社交场合里的 anxiety 并不来源于担心自己的表现不完美,而是来源于一种巨大的无聊感,以及忍受大量的无聊感之后才能享受到一点点的交换信息的好处,以及大家都期望我社交,所以怕自己不社交让人失望。为什么这段文字里把社交描述成一个绝对积极的东西,joy,enrichment,给我一种治疗同性恋的即视感。

23% percentage of U.S. children currently living with a single parent, compared to 9% a half-century ago.

@unagi 真的,对大剂量美国相关耐受力非常有限 :aru_0160:

@Fughetta 可是各种领域的入门书/教科书都被美国人占领了!我接下来找找看欧亚的回血(有非洲的吗

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