听有声书的时候一个常见情况是作者在里面夹一点外语,对朗读者有一定要求。一般英语里出现法语或者意大利语里出现德语我都不奇怪,但是听英文小说的时候朗读者突然字正腔圆地读出“狐狸精”我还是笑到了 :aru_0160: 外国人发 j 这个音还是有点难:
A hulijing was a demon who stole hearts. I shuddered, worried if I would have the courage to face one.


“Labeling someone a monster implies that he is from another world, one which has nothing to do with us. It cuts off the bonds of affection and fear, assures us of our own superiority, but there’s nothing learned, nothing gained. It’s simple, but it’s cowardly. I know now that only by empathizing with a man like my grandfather can we understand the depth of the suffering he caused. There are no monsters. The monster is us.”


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