在读 #ThinkingFastAndSlow,读到 10%,感觉跟我之前读的 #HowEmotionsAreMade 和 #TheWillpowerInstinct 重叠还蛮多的。
The event of a lost wallet could evoke many different causes: the wallet slipped out of a pocket, was left in the restaurant, etc. However, when the ideas of lost wallet, New York, and crowds are juxtaposed, they jointly evoke the explanation that a pickpocket caused the loss.
evidence accumulates gradually and the interpretation is shaped by the emotion attached to the first impression. In an enduring classic of psychology, Solomon Asch presented descriptions of two people and asked for comments on their personality. What do you think of Alan and Ben?
Alan: intelligent—industrious— impulsive—critical—stubborn—envious
Ben: envious—stubborn—critical—impulsive—industrious—intelligent
If you are like most of us, you viewed Alan much more favorably than Ben.
you see a person reading The New York Times on the New York subway. Which of the following is a better bet about the reading stranger?
She has a PhD.
She does not have a college degree.
Representativeness would tell you to bet on the PhD, but this is not necessarily wise. You should seriously consider the second alternative, because many more nongraduates than PhDs ride in New York subways.
这书里面好多逻辑都好怪啊,比如他凭什么认为 PhD 会更少地坐地铁?他要是说没有大学文凭的人比 PhD 多那含义还明确一点,虽然如果没有大学文凭的人比 PhD 多的话那在地铁里的比例估计也如此,但他加上“坐地铁”的话就让我搞不清楚他到底是哪个意思…