in these classes that I was told that a minority of the human population being gay was potentially adaptive for ancestral tribes because these individuals could help support the overall community without spending energy on their own children. [...] like women who have passed menopause or people who could never bear children. [...] I have come to think of such ideas as deeply problematic, and at least partially incorrect. This is because it seems so obvious that these evolutionary arguments center heterosexuality.


Not long after this, bi, or two, started to be used to refer to people who had both homosexual and heterosexual desires. A way that bisexual researchers often talk about this is that the bi in bisexual means two, but the two are not men and women, they are same and other.

如果把 bi 解释成包含 hetero(another)和 homo(same)的话,那 heterosexual 不就是会被各种不同性别的人吸引的人?那这个范围比我们平时认知的异性恋要广很多了。。

Monk and her colleagues propose a shift from asking “Why engage in homosexual behavior?” to “Why not?”.
Instead of searching for evolutionary reasons to justify the existence of homosexual behavior, we should be looking to justify the existence of exclusively heterosexual behavior.


我惊讶地意识到,从至少十年前起,我对我的每一任男友都透露过我对女孩子有兴趣,但是我从来没有考虑过自己会不会是双性恋,直到近两年前。。可能之前完全没有听说过这个概念。虽然现在本人对 identity 也不是很感冒。
很感激这本书的一点就是指出了 identity 和 behaviour 的区别,并不是要有双性恋爱经历/性行为才能称为是双性恋的,也不是说你过去谈的对象十个里有三个同性七个异性就说明你有 30% 的同性倾向的,因为这个比例很可能就取决于你目前为止遇到了什么人而已。经历十几年几乎全男环境的我潸然泪下。

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