吃了维也纳据说很有名的 Café Sacher,怎么说呢,感觉还是不要对欧洲的甜品有太多期待吧,它好吃是好吃,但也就是普通好吃,根本没有杜塞日本蛋糕店的蛋糕好吃,店面还装修得特别奢华。跟梦龙给我的感觉一样,就梦龙确实是好吃,但我不懂它为什么要把广告做得那么奢华,一副高端人士独享的感觉,但它其实就是普通好吃雪糕而已。
One way of avoiding subtractive colors when using pigments is pointillism, originated about 1885 by the French painter Georges Seurat. Small dots of saturated color paints are placed next to each other. When viewed from a distance far enough away so that the dots cannot be distinguished, the result is the additive color of the two pigments. In this way, green and violet dots would give white, and not the black that results when the pigments are mixed; the advantage is that much brighter colors can be achieved.
原来是这样!好聪明!就跟显示屏的原理一样!我还以为 pigment 只能 subtractive mix!
我查到 Pointillism 是 Georges Seurat 和 Paul Signac develop 的,正想说难怪我今天在画廊里见到的某幅画那么亮,结果一看就是 Paul Signac 画的!好巧啊啊啊
#读书 #TheFifteenCausesOfColor
图一:binocular vision,一般馆都是两张照片并排在一起,然后人眼通过一个镜框看立体影像。这边把两幅画放在墙的两边,两只眼睛分别从中间的两面镜子看过去,就是立体的图了。不是艺术家谁折腾这么大一个装置??