2021 年看过的书就这样了吧,45 本 11704 页,依旧还有很多书想看。。
今年的选书不是很成功,很多书都是看到一些人猛推才去看的,结果看了一点儿也不喜欢,而且总是抱着一种“可能好看的在后面”的想法硬是看完了,结果最后果然还是不喜欢。。2022 年希望自己能够早点弃掉不喜欢的书,多看自己想看的。
接下来是一些私人猛推,tag 点进去是我的摘抄,要再点进原文才能看到串:
此外还想推荐一下几本对心理健康很有帮助的书:#HowEmotionsAreMade,讲情绪的来源, #TheWillpowerInstinct,讲提升自制力但,#LostConnections,讲抑郁症的。
今年读过的一些烂书:#Averno,#DasGlasperlenspiel (非常主观的评价)
哇,看完了!费曼这本 QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter 出乎意料地简单好懂诶,也就集中读了两天吧!前两个 lectures 都是非常基础非常有逻辑衔接得也很好的内容,如果是工科生的话应该差不多在课本里都学过了,第三个 lecture 的后半部分和第四个 lecture 就突然神奇起来,更像科普了,读起来好像就是“我没法给你解释清楚但事情就是我讲的这个样子,虽然看起来一团糟,但 Nature 一直都是一团糟,只不过我们还在一步步寻找规律而已”,反正读完之后产生了强烈地去读一下正经教科书的兴趣
So when some fool physicist gives a lecture at UCLA in 1983 and says, “This is the way it works, and look how wonderfully similar the theories are,” it’s not because Nature is really similar; it’s because the physicists have only been able to think of the same damn thing, over and over again.
我又猜中了这个 fool 就是他自己
In books it says that science is simple: you make up a theory and compare it to experiment; if the theory doesn’t work, you throw it away and make a new theory. Here we have a definite theory and hundreds of experiments, but we can’t compare them!
It was expected that only protons and neutrons would come out. But when the energies became sufficiently large, new particles came out. First there were pions, then lambdas, and sigmas, and rhos, and they ran out of the alphabet.
为何我联想到新冠。。。或者 run out of the alphabet 是常事吧
[...] Schwinger, Tomonaga, and I independently invented ways to make definite calculations to confirm that it is true (we got prizes for that).
然后我去查了,是 Nobel Prize
QED 这书读得我真的很想去看那本 Reasoning about Uncertainty... 那本 Introduction 里的引言就很吸引我:
"When one admits that nothing is certain one must, I think, also admit that some things are much more nearly certain than others. It is much more nearly certain that we are assembled here tonight than it is that this or that political party is in the right. Certainly there are degrees of certainty, and one should be very careful to emphasize that fact, because otherwise one is landed in an utter skepticism, and complete skepticism would, of course, be totally barren and completely useless."
— Bertrand Russell, Am I an Atheist or an Agnostic?