To illustrate the power of the atomic idea, suppose that we have a drop of water a quarter of an inch on the side. If we look at it very closely we see nothing but water—smooth, continuous water. Even if we magnify it with the best optical microscope available—roughly two thousand times—then the water drop will be roughly forty feet across, about as big as a large room, and if we looked rather closely, we would still see relatively smooth water—but here and there small football-shaped things swimming back and forth. Very interesting. These are paramecia. [...] This, of course, is a subject for biology, but for the present we pass on and look still more closely at the water material itself, magnifying it two thousand times again.
这个笑点真是 very interesting
#TheFeynmanLecturesOnPhysics #读书
What’s that? Have over 220 people, projects, and organisations signed the web0 manifesto since last night?
They sure have! 🎉
读过《Explaining Humans》
标题太误导人了,这本书 by no means 在 explain humans,而是拿一些科学知识强行类比作者自己的生活体验。从科学知识里悟做人的道理根本就是扯淡,本身毫无科学性可言,甚至毫无新意,她做的这些类比就是教科书上帮助理解以及同学们课间自己开玩笑也会讲的内容,最多幽默一下而已,我很难相信作者是认真的在用这些东西来理解人类。作者是计算生物学家,但这不代表她对心理学以及目录里那些广泛的学科有任何发言权,有的内容扯淡到了伪科学的地步。
In the classic prism example, like my mum’s crystal, the light then disperses into its seven visible wavelengths: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet (plus the invisible: infrared and ultraviolet).
seven visible wavelengths...这个作者在说什么胡话...wavelength 是连续的啊,这真的是一个 Ph.D 会说的话吗。