When French children hear “un avion” (an airplane), which is pronounced with a liaison (the n of “un” melds into the a of “avion”), they improperly infer the existence of the word navion (“Regarde le navion!”). Conversely, English speakers imported the French word napperon (place mat) and, due to incorrect parsing of the phrase un napperon, invented the word apron.


while native Canadian adults without any exposure to Chinese failed to hear these tones as language, merely processing them as a melody in the right hemisphere, the Chinese-Canadian adoptees, just like native Chinese, processed them as language sounds in a phonological region of the left hemisphere called the “planum temporale.”

把中文的声调听成旋律到底是什么感觉好难想象啊!我直到一年多前都没意识到中文的声调其实就是音高的变化,因为我学声调的时候把它们称呼为第一声,第二声,第三声和第四声,但是外国人学的竟然是 high tone, rising tone, low tone 和 falling tone,简直 mind-blowing :aru_0160:

@unagi 但是他们跟我们听的又有区别……我以前搞会话分析的时候,每个Intonationsphrase 末尾都要标注语调是leicht/hoch steigend, gleich beliebend, leicht/tief fallend我按照中文的理解去标,和德国人标得完全不一样 :0190:


@ak_Consfanze_aK 我也记得学语言的时候人家说问句句末是升调,我有时候明明听到的是平调,结果 native 说这是很明显的升调,我也一头雾水​:aru_0160:

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