@ChuckL 好香!!看著好好吃
@ChuckL 天呀好可愛!!!(● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾
KC Davis这个用肌肉/运动来类比神经/情绪系统的解释很有意思:comfort zone (green zone)里做什么都很轻松,在learning zone (yellow zone)里肌肉有一些challenge/workout,得到锻炼进而增强,但超过了一定限度后就会受伤(red zone);神经系统和情绪/情感也是类似,learning zone里的stress和challenge可以带来足够的刺激,在自身coping skill范围内的discomfort激发了新的感知探索和潜在的成长可能性,然而超出了范围非但不能成长还会有伤害。所谓“成长”就是coping skill肌肉变强的过程(e.g.暴露疗法之所以有效不是因为暴露,而是有教会新的coping skill并在安全的暴露环境里去练习)。
另外,顺着这个类比再继续展开,在精神/情绪上的常常见到的各种对自身有伤害的coping system,大概也类似运动不得法/姿势不对导致的错误肌肉/关节代偿:still effective but with a (too) high cost。
她在播客结尾这段关于什么是coping skill的话我觉得说得很好:
"I want to make it clear that going into fight flight or freeze on is not always avoidable. It's not always just because you didn't have good enough coping skills. There are certain things in this world that are going to trip your nervous system into this extreme state, it does not mean that you're not healthy enough or mature enough, or if you just had better coping skills. There are just certain things that are traumatic. There's no amount of coping skills that can prevent you from going to that place. When that happens, the coping skills are about learning how to get out of that place and back to safety. And ideally, yes, we want coping skills that can help us kind of circle the wagons back around before we get there. And we want a good wide window of tolerance so that we can enjoy everything the world has to offer, and not be in as much pain."
Struggle Care | Just Cope
@ChuckL 谢谢奇怪!
@ChuckL 可以問奇怪是什麼電影嗎
@ChuckL 喜歡這一抹黃色~
@ChuckL 沒有伴奏也好好聽哇!好好聽
@QuantumBubbleTea 完全相信!我也想做泡泡茶的學生
@ChuckL 可愛鴨!!!(一語雙關!
@outis 謝謝N!目前的需求是導入電子資料做筆記,未來也可能有讀論文的需求我可以問問N不用它讀論文的原因嗎,是墨水屏流暢度不夠好,或是平時習慣用電腦/平板讀論文?
@outis 哈哈哈哈還蠻..好的
@ChuckL 好可愛好清爽
@ChuckL 好嘞哈哈!我暫時穿著短袖睡,早上醒來就覺著手冷到了(。)立馬換上長袖衣服
@ChuckL 難解!那還是穿短袖吧~還有小被子在咧
@ChuckL 要 手不自覺露出來會冷>_<