听有声书的时候一个常见情况是作者在里面夹一点外语,对朗读者有一定要求。一般英语里出现法语或者意大利语里出现德语我都不奇怪,但是听英文小说的时候朗读者突然字正腔圆地读出“狐狸精”我还是笑到了 :aru_0160: 外国人发 j 这个音还是有点难:
A hulijing was a demon who stole hearts. I shuddered, worried if I would have the courage to face one.

下一章换了一个人读,“秋”字读起来很用力,读成了第四声,听起来像在打喷嚏 :aru_0160:

“德国人”不太一样,德语是 Deutsche(r),虽然现在指的是 Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 但是之前还有 Deutsche Demokratische Republik, Deutsches Reich 等等,用英文的 German 的话甚至可以追踪到日耳曼去…

“This is the character hua(華), and it is the only word for China and for the Chinese that has nothing to do with any Emperor, any Dynasty, anything that demands slaughter and sacrifice. Although both the People’s Republic and the Republic put it in their names, it is far older than they and belongs to neither of them. Hua originally meant ‘flowery’ and ‘magnificent,’ and it is the shape of a bunch of wildflowers coming out of the ground. See?
“The ancient Chinese were called huajen by their neighbors because their dress was magnificent, made of silk and fine tulle. But I think that’s not the only reason. The Chinese are like wildflowers, and they will survive and make joy wherever they go. A fire may burn away every living thing in a field, but after the rain the wildflowers will reappear as though by magic. Winter may come and kill everything with frost and snow, but when spring comes the wildflowers will blossom again, and they will be magnificent.
“For now, the red flames of revolution may be burning on the mainland, and the white frost of terror may have covered this island. But I know that a day will come when the steel wall of the Seventh Fleet will melt away, and the penshengjen and the waishengjen and all the other huajen back in my home will blossom together in magnificence.”
“And I will be a huajen in America,” Teddy added.
Mr. Kan nodded. “Wildflowers can bloom anywhere.”

@unagi 缺点可能在于华人有民族属性,比较排他。

@samehhkl 是这样吗?“他”指的是什么人?

@unagi @samehhkl 我倒是没有觉得华人排他……而且华人具体定义是什么,是汉民族,还是所有在现中国领土里居住的民族,还是满壮苗这些被汉化得比较深的民族都算上?

@echoco @unagi


@samehhkl @echoco 至于少数民族或者台湾人的认同感我不是特别了解,我只是想找一个适合自己情况的描述,我是一个华人,不一定非要属于什么华人群体。

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@unagi @samehhkl 一般台湾人也认同自己是华人啦,有个词叫大中华地区,就是大陆港澳台+新加坡。马来西亚和东南亚也有很多华人。

@unagi @echoco

@unagi @echoco

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