
One researcher told me how his entire career had been devoted to the sensory biology of birds and, apart from once being asked to write a chapter for an encyclopaedia of bird biology, had received relatively little recognition. On retirement he had burned all his papers, and then - to his simultaneous dismay and delight - I started asking him about his research.


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Amazingly, we train ourselves to ‘reverse’ the inverse image on our retinas. In a famous experiment conducted in 1961, Dr Irwin Moon wore image-inverting spectacles that effectively turned the world upside down. At first he found it horribly disorientating, but after eight days of wearing the spectacles Dr Moon had adjusted and ‘saw’ the world the right way up again. To prove it, he drove his motorbike and took his plane for a spin – without mishap. Moon’s extreme experiment provided irrefutable evidence that we ‘see’ with our brain rather than with our eyes.


我感觉,通感就是大脑处理数据时出了点 bug​:aru_0560:

Type 2 includes birds like ducks and the woodcock, whose eyes are high up on the sides of the head. They don’t have a great forward view and most don’t need to see their bill tip because they rely on other senses when feeding, but they do have panoramic vision, above and behind – helping them detect potential predators. Interestingly, the views from each eye barely overlap, so they probably see two separate images.


这本书里说到鸟类的 retina 不像脊椎动物的那样分布有血管,而是单独由一个叫 pecten 的器官提供,这样看东西不用隔着血管会更清晰。
于是我上网想查查看 pecten 长什么样,结果查到维基的图上有画血管,那是不是画错了啊?按照我的理解所有的血管都在 pecten 里?维基说“大大减少 retina 里血管的数量”,而我查到的别的来源都说是 no blood vessels…虽然“减少到零”也勉强能算“大大减少”吧…

ps. Retina 的中文是“视网膜”,但既然鸟类的 retina 里没有血管,那叫“网”就不合适了。
pps. Fovea 的中文是“中央窝”,但鸟类有两个 fovea,那也不能叫中央了吧。

If you have observed captive birds of prey, you will see that they often move their head from side to side or up and down as they watch you approach. They do this because they are alternating your image on their two foveas, the shallow one for close up, the deep one for distance.


some birds of paradise in New Guinea and manakins in South America actually create their own sun spot on the forest floor by pruning adjacent trees. It was once thought that this ‘gardening’ was to minimise the risk of predation, but as our understanding of avian vision improved, it became clear that the birds were manipulating the background colour to maximise the visual contrast of their plumage and the overall effectiveness of their sexual displays.


是男性鸟类学家十年前写的,还提到雄性鸟类通过展示自己的性魅力来吸引雌性。这种视角我觉得就比较男。比较新的书 (女作者著)里倒是有提过这是因为男性科学家长期以来对雌性鸟类的忽视。实际上对于很多鸟类这是一个双向选择。比较喜欢后者提到这种问题的视角,但是那本书的写作手法我实在太不喜欢了,读不下去,好可惜。。(要不我再试试​:blobcatgooglytrash:

Darwin’s contemporaries simply couldn’t imagine that females (human or non-human) were smart enough to make such informed choices.

...couldn’t imagine that females were smart enough...我无语凝噎

我真的很难想象人类为什么会在研究鸟类的时候那么 arrogant。。如果我去研究鸟类,肯定会急切地想要知道它们在哪些地方比人类要厉害,哪些地方跟人类不同,怎么可能 we have been incredibly reluctant to accept that birds, or any animals, see the world differently from ourselves. 或者 However good we (arrogantly) think our colour vision is 啊。。现在科学届还是这个态度吗?我感觉我从小读动物科普的时候接触到的态度就是“这个好神奇”“那个好厉害”,没有这些个书里提到的那种 arrogance 吧

科学家:for a century or so was thought to be unique to humans.


有的鸟类睡觉的时候可以 literally keep an eye open :comfyaww:

人类可以边坐飞机边睡觉 :blobcatcomfjoy:

The closest we can come to imagining what it is like to process information as rapidly as a hummingbird or a hawk is the sensation of time slowing down that occurs during a near-death experience. Over the years I have had a few near-death experiences while doing fieldwork, and I imagine many readers will have had, like me, the same sensation during traffic accidents. As you slam on the brakes and slide inexorably towards another vehicle or a tree, it is as if your brain is taking in every detail and each second is drawn out until it feels ten times longer than it really is.


It cannot be doubted that the faculty of hearing is highly developed in birds, not only the mere perception of sound, but also the power of distinguishing or understanding pitch, notes and melodies, or music.



Over several months, the owls were trained to peck at a bar positioned in front of two screens through which lights of different intensity were projected. The birds were rewarded with a bit of food if they detected the light. Martin used exactly the same procedure (but without the food reward) with human subjects so that he could make a direct comparison.

without the food reward 算什么 comparison 啊!没有控制变量!区别对待被试 ​:blobcatangery:

Primates and socially living birds have much in common. In primates, any kind of stressful interaction, such as an attack by a more dominant individual, is often followed immediately by the victim seeking grooming, as though for reassurance. Humans do the same: we might touch someone lightly on the arm or shoulder in a gesture of reassurance or comfort.


Wind and wave action will render the plume patchy and irregular and, of course, weaker and weaker the further it is from the source. How might we expect a bird to behave if it was using such airborne information to find prey, the source of the odour plume? The answer is to fly crosswind to maximise the chances of locating a plume and, once it has been detected, to fly upwind in a zigzag manner – casting from side to side – to retain contact with the odour trail until it finds the prey.

咦我一直以为 albatross 飞 zigzag 是为了利用水面附近和高空的风速差来节省力气(Dynamic Soaring),结果嗅觉也是原因之一吗?
但这本书提到的研究比链接里那个研究早,而且我对书里提到的研究方法十分怀疑…他们就是觉得 albatross 用视力捕食的时候会走直线,用嗅觉捕食的时候会走 zigzag,而他们观测到 albatross 有一半的时间飞 zigzag,所以它们有一半的时间用嗅觉捕食…

@unagi 还在玩手机???????是不是说要保护视力了还在玩儿呢

@unagi 我一直以为通感只是想象力更跳一点而已,也许我没有通感我只是爱联想,这个变成那个,是一个东西

@ChuckL 人的眼睛、耳朵、鼻子等等感官都只是 sensor 而已,最终人体会到什么是由大脑来加工的,所以我觉得可能就是在这个加工的过程中搭错了线,所以产生了通感。

@unagi 哈哈哈哈哈真的很辛苦呢!但是想到鸟边飞边拉屎睡觉,值得点赞两次! :Parrot40:

@unagi 英文书常常阴阳怪气不意外的。我以前做seminar,同一个景观设计。我找了德语和英语的资料,就因为这地方在德国,那英语资料简直没有酸爆地球。感觉就不是同一个东西。我后来找资料都最后才找英文。尤其是英国人

@civetkikyou 咦这个男的就是英国的!

@unagi 我其实觉得个人情绪没必要放那么多在这类书籍里啦。如果你只是为了个人兴趣阅读最多只是不舒服而已。但是如果真是要找资料的话,英文资料真的就是话多且没有重点,并且把自己的观点放在事实前面。但是确实也和年代有关系,我找资料的那个东西也都是王权时代的作品了。可能那个时代的英国人就那样吧。德语的资料其实蛮好的,话少而且就讲事实。图还多。美国我就不知道了,但是大惊小怪确实也很符合刻板印象😂

@civetkikyou 确实!我打算下一本找找看德国的。

@unagi 抱抱🫂(手机上都没有好看的emoji可以用

@unagi :ablobcatangel: 官方App可以加载出实例的表情包

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