One researcher told me how his entire career had been devoted to the sensory biology of birds and, apart from once being asked to write a chapter for an encyclopaedia of bird biology, had received relatively little recognition. On retirement he had burned all his papers, and then - to his simultaneous dismay and delight - I started asking him about his research.
我感觉,通感就是大脑处理数据时出了点 bug
@ChuckL 为啥?大家大脑运作的机制不都一样吗
@unagi 我一直以为通感只是想象力更跳一点而已,也许我没有通感我只是爱联想,这个变成那个,是一个东西
@ChuckL 人的眼睛、耳朵、鼻子等等感官都只是 sensor 而已,最终人体会到什么是由大脑来加工的,所以我觉得可能就是在这个加工的过程中搭错了线,所以产生了通感。
@unagi 我觉得你猜的很有道理
@unagi 你在说我?