在读一本俄罗斯小说 #TheWinterQueen,开头有人拿 Russian roulette 自杀,作者把这个叫做 American roulette
书里有一个 Lady 办了一个孤儿院,但是只收男孩。面对警察的疑问她的解释是:
experience has taught me that the talents with which the female nature is endowed are often such that modern society is not yet ready to understand them appropriately. We live in the age of men, and we are obliged to take that into consideration. In a society where men are the bosses, an exceptionally talented woman arouses suspicion and hostility. I would not wish my foster-daughters to feel unhappy.
也太好笑了,一般人遭受生命威胁求情的时候说的是:我上有老下有小还有一个病重的老婆!主角求情是这样的:I do not wish to die! I am young! I am in love!