但是那个实验缺陷很多,比如没有做到 blind,所以很可能存在差异但是没有他们声称的那么大;而且从某一对物件视觉停留的长短到思维方式上的差异这个结论跃进过于大了。
这就是年轻研究者和老油条的差别!年轻研究者总觉得这里做得不好,那里可以改进,但是老油条可以判断这个研究是否已经做得够好了(标准是可以发 paper 了)。所以我确实要感谢我的教授,我当年觉得自己的进展微不足道,应当继续推进,要不是我教授果断说“这个可以写 paper 了”,我是一篇也发不出来的。
In 1979 Lee noted that among the !Kung hunter-gatherers in Africa, women’s gathering provided as much as two-thirds of food in the group’s diet. As well as feeding their families, women were often also responsible for cooking, setting up shelter, and helping with hunts. And they did all this at the same time as being pregnant and raising children.
What digging sticks, slings, and food bags all have in common, though, is that they’re wooden or made of skin or fiber, which means they break down and disappear over time. They leave no trace in the fossil record, unlike hardwearing stone tools that archaeologists have assumed are used for hunting. This is one reason, adds Zihlman, that women’s inventions, and consequently women themselves, may have been neglected by evolutionary researchers.
When Scelza started doing fieldwork with the Himba in 2010, women would ask her why she didn’t have men coming to her hut. “Well, I said, ‘You know, I’m married.’ And they said, ‘Yeah, yeah, but that doesn’t matter. He’s not here.’ So then I tried to explain that my marriage was a love match, because then I thought they would understand. And they said, ‘It doesn’t matter. It’s okay, it’s okay. He’s not going to know; it’s okay,’”
she recalls. “They really hold a very different idea in their heads about love and sex, that it wouldn’t be a bad thing at all for me to say, on the one hand, that I really love my husband but that I’ll still be having sex with somebody else when we’re apart. That, to them, was not a transgression.”
喔喔喔,所以 Himba 男人也不是不会嫉妒,而是 culture 不允许他们做出过激行为。貌似我对多边关系有一些误解,以为这里面的人必须完全接受对方的其他对象才能运作,但其实产生嫉妒也是正常的,只是有的时候必须得接受而已。