“We see a huge range of plasticity in how much engagement there is in human males,” […] If society expects men to be involved in child care, they are, and they can do it well. If society expects them to be hands-off, they can do that, too.
What digging sticks, slings, and food bags all have in common, though, is that they’re wooden or made of skin or fiber, which means they break down and disappear over time. They leave no trace in the fossil record, unlike hardwearing stone tools that archaeologists have assumed are used for hunting. This is one reason, adds Zihlman, that women’s inventions, and consequently women themselves, may have been neglected by evolutionary researchers.
You’re at university and a stranger of the opposite sex sidles up to you. “I’ve been noticing you around campus. I find you to be very attractive,” they say. Before you know it, the mysterious person is inviting you back to their room to sleep with them. It may be the least creative way of picking someone up, but if it works on you, then research suggests you’re almost certainly a man.
When Scelza started doing fieldwork with the Himba in 2010, women would ask her why she didn’t have men coming to her hut. “Well, I said, ‘You know, I’m married.’ And they said, ‘Yeah, yeah, but that doesn’t matter. He’s not here.’ So then I tried to explain that my marriage was a love match, because then I thought they would understand. And they said, ‘It doesn’t matter. It’s okay, it’s okay. He’s not going to know; it’s okay,’”
she recalls. “They really hold a very different idea in their heads about love and sex, that it wouldn’t be a bad thing at all for me to say, on the one hand, that I really love my husband but that I’ll still be having sex with somebody else when we’re apart. That, to them, was not a transgression.”
@unagi 是什么书!看起来很有意思捏
@yanerL https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/39288568-inferior 这本!视角真的非常有意思!主要是在讲各种性别差异的研究为什么是有问题的,或者本来没什么问题但是被社会误解很深。比较有启发的例子比如 1. 科学偏好显著性,事实上大部分研究都证明男女统计上没太大差别,但是这种文章很难发表。2. 有研究发现男性负责数理思维的大脑部分比较活跃,就认为男的天生适合理性思维,但其实人大脑的可塑性很强,如果本身就被鼓励着学理科并且也确实在做理科相关的话,那么大脑的那一部分就是会更强,而且这个方面男性强于女性的比例也有在下降。
@unagi 好有意思!!谢谢安利