Wenn Kinder die erste Geschichte erzählt bekommen haben, die sie wirklich fesselt, dann ist es meistens schwer, sie dazu zu bringen, eine andere hören zu wollen. Ich glaube, das ist nicht der Fall bei Kindern, die selbst erzählen, und es war auch bei mir nicht so. Ich wollte mehr. Die Gier, mit der ich den Geschichten zuhörte, führte immer dazu, dass ich am Tag darauf noch eine bessere erwartete.
推薦給Mastodon的斯拉夫語系學習者(俄語、烏克蘭語、波蘭語、捷克語、匈牙利語、羅馬尼亞語): 3ears (https://3ears.com) 有各式各樣的影片,有原文字幕和內置字典,還可以根據影片的語境儲存flashcard。網站有音樂/卡通(如Маша и Медведь)/新聞/影集等資源超有用的!
p.s. 新聞方面現在有BBC Russian/Радио Свобода但也要小心俄國大外宣(e.g. RT News)
作品名:D'où venons-nous? Que sommes-nous? Où allons-nous?
画家: Paul Gauguin
the Harvest Moon Festival is an important holiday in traditional Chinese communities in America. In the week preceding the festival, the death rate in the community is found to fall by 35 per cent. In the following week the death rate jumps by 35 per cent. Control groups of non-Chinese show no such effect. […] On more detailed study, it turned out that the fluctuations in death rate occurred exclusively among women 75 years old or older. The Harvest Moon Festival is presided over by the oldest women in the households. They were able to stave off death for a week or two to perform their ceremonial responsibilities.
Tobacco is addictive; by many criteria more so than heroin and cocaine. […] More people have died of tobacco than in all of World War II. According to the World Health Organization, smoking kills three million people every year worldwide. This will rise to ten million annual deaths by 2020, in part because of a massive advertising campaign to portray smoking as advanced and fashionable to young women in the developing world.
2020 已经过了看了下现在的数据,貌似是一年 8 million?今天走在路上还有个人问我有没有烟…
weasel words, […] Presidents […] may therefore be tempted to arrange wars while waving the flag and calling the wars something else - ‘police actions’, ‘armed incursions’, ‘protective reaction strikes’, ‘pacification’,‘safeguarding American interests’, and a wide variety of ‘operations’, such as ‘Operation Just Cause’. Euphemisms for war are one of a broad class of reinventions of language for political purposes. Talleyrand said, ‘An important art of politicians is to find new names for institutions which under old names have become odious to the public’.
惯用伎俩了,原来叫 weasel words…刚好前段时间在#明亮的对话 里也读到含糊用词 https://rhabarberbarbara.bar/@unagi/107911355987180825
Observational selection, also called the enumeration of favourable circumstances, or as the philosopher Francis Bacon described it, counting the hits and forgetting the misses (e.g., a state boasts of the Presidents it has produced, but is silent on its serial killers).
学到一种逻辑谬误:special pleading(片面辩护),就是说论证的时候故意忽略掉不利于自己观点的方面,或者指明某个东西是特例但又不说为什么是特例。主要是维基里这几个例子太好笑了: