最开始几章觉得有点无聊,讲的都是些麦田怪圈、UFO 这样比较过时的东西,不过主旨在于“一代人有一代人的迷信”,如果不能给公民良好的科学教育,那总会有新的愚昧产物蹦出来,辟谣是无止境的。现代人的迷信应该是磁场和量子力学吧?
后面就比较有意思了,讲了一些科学方法和态度,和生活联系比较紧。有一章专门是讲 sceptical thinking 的一系列工具(Baloney detection kit),非常实用。
我觉得我从这本书里学到的最重要的一个知识就是“科学是不怕犯错的”。Peer review 以及后人对前人著作的引用和批评都是科学的纠错机制。这直接让我在上一篇提交的论文里指出大佬的错误的时候大胆了很多;而且最近提交的两篇论文也都附上了代码:以前我就很怕代码里有什么错,现在认识到不公布的话错误永远也不会被发现。
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The methods of science, with all its imperfections, can be used to improve social, political and economic systems, […] Humans are not electrons or laboratory rats. But every act of Congress, every Supreme Court decision, every Presidential National Security Directive, every change in the Prime Rate is an experiment. Every shift in economic policy, every increase or decrease in funding for Head Start, every toughening of criminal sentences is an experiment. Exchanging needles, making condoms freely available, or decriminalizing marijuana are all experiments. Doing nothing to help Abyssinia against Italy, or to prevent Nazi Germany from invading the Rhineland was an experiment. Communism in Eastern Europe, the Soviet Union and China was an experiment. Privatizing mental health care or prisons is an experiment. Japan and West Germany investing a great deal in science and technology and next to nothing on defence - and finding that their economies boomed - was an experiment. Handguns are available for self-protection in Seattle, but not in nearby Vancouver, Canada; handgun killings are five times more common in Seattle and the handgun suicide rate is ten times greater in Seattle. Guns make impulsive killing easy. This is also an experiment.
“It is not the function of our government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the government from falling into error.”
US Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson, 1950
How confident are we that the power to drive and determine public opinion will always reside in responsible hands?
If we’re absolutely sure that our beliefs are right, and those of others wrong; that we are motivated by good, and others by evil; that the King of the Universe speaks to us, and not to adherents of very different faiths; that it is wicked to challenge conventional doctrines or to ask searching questions; that our main job is to believe and obey - then the witch mania will recur in its infinite variations down to the time of the last man.
he stood at the bedroom window, tears welling, as if in chain reaction to Sonya’s, and through his tears, watched raindrops doing their best to cling to the glass. The wind set them quivering and away they shot finally, only to be replaced by fresh drops, and continue the senseless battle with the wind.
我只是想转 pingu 那个表情包哈哈哈哈