if you love your Motherland, should you wish her victory or defeat? It’s still not completely clear where the Motherland ends and the regime begins, so entangled have they become.
I know you’re afraid of me, Evgenia Dmitrievna. I mean, you think you pity me, but in fact you’re afraid. Because it’s yourself you pity, not me. Thinking about me, you imagine yourself in the dark, eyeless, and naturally for you this is scarier than dying.
读到车厢里有个德国人在大声讲话,父亲先是用俄语提醒他,他没听懂。终于父亲受不了了,大喊:Du, Arschloch! Halt’s Maul!
看到这里我一个爆笑!话说我好像不知道德语里有什么比较礼貌比较中性的表达 shut up 的说法,我只知道 halt die Schnauze(动物的嘴), halt die Klappe(可以开合的东西), halt die Fresse(吃饭的东西),Maul 也是动物的嘴,总之都是嘴但是含贬义。应该也可以说 halt den Mund 但是我好像没听人用过。
查到这个问答也一点帮助都没有哈哈哈 https://www.reddit.com/r/FragReddit/comments/uz5yam/wie_sagt_man_jemandem_so_höflich_jedoch_deutlich/
@unagi 笑死我了,早上一起来就看见这条,笑得在被窝里打滚。