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In 1979 Lee noted that among the !Kung hunter-gatherers in Africa, women’s gathering provided as much as two-thirds of food in the group’s diet. As well as feeding their families, women were often also responsible for cooking, setting up shelter, and helping with hunts. And they did all this at the same time as being pregnant and raising children.


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“We see a huge range of plasticity in how much engagement there is in human males,” […] If society expects men to be involved in child care, they are, and they can do it well. If society expects them to be hands-off, they can do that, too.


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在看这本书的前言!纳博科夫好可爱啊,有一次进错了教室就开始讲课,被他课上的学生发现并带回去了。离开教室的时候他说:你们刚才看到的是 Coming Attraction,如果有兴趣的话下学期可以注册这门课。

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It surprised him to realize how fond he had been of his teeth. His tongue, a fat sleek seal, used to flop and slide so happily among the familiar rocks, checking the contours of a battered but still secure kingdom, plunging from cave to cove, climbing this jag, nuzzling that notch, finding a shred of sweet seaweed in the same old cleft; but now not a landmark remained, and all there existed was a great dark wound, a terra incognita of gums which dread and disgust forbade one to investigate. And when the plates were thrust in, it was like a poor fossil skull being fitted with the grinning jaws of a perfect stranger.

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our friend applied himself to the pleasant task of Pninizing his new quarters.

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[…] and entered into some unnecessary detail. It was a curriculum vitae in a nutshell—a coconut shell.

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读过《Confessions d’une femme normale》 :star_solid: :star_solid: :star_solid: :star_solid: :star_half:
里面有一句大概的意思是“不喜欢屌上长了个男人”,我很赞同但是以前我都当笑话听的,读了这本之后才发现这句话对作者来说真的挺沉重的,因为她很小的时候就对性产生了兴趣,会看 porn 也经常会自己画,但是长大之后有了自己的性经历却都很糟糕,因为遇到的每个男人都是混蛋,混蛋到她一度对性丧失兴趣,怀疑自己是不是无性恋或者同性恋。感觉真的是很普遍的经历!
书里把我吓晕的一个情节是作者被诊断了 herpes genitalis, 很难过,于是去跟好朋友讲,结果每一个人都说:啊我认识好多人有啦,我女朋友也有啦,我姐姐有啦,我也有啦。我??虽然你们不 judge 这个非常好非常好,但是怎么普遍到每个人都能讲两句的地步?这个性教育到底是怎么做的?虽然之前就知道是最常见的性病之一,但是看到 1/5 的人患有 herpes 这个数据还是吓晕了(考虑到这里面有的人其实没有性生活,sexually active 的人里 1/3 有,更可怕了)

bon matin <-> bonjour
botter dans le cul <-> botter le cul
tomber en amour <-> tomber amoureux
venir <-> jouir
ça a trop pas rapport <-> ça n'a pas trop de rapport
je m'ennuie de toi <-> tu me manques

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原来魁北克法语是会说 bon matin 的!决定使用魁北克法语​:shirimoto_alien:

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Mastodon Air 是一个浏览器插件,可以定制网页版 Mastodon 的配色和样式,提供更宽的文本框,以及去掉不喜欢的模块比如 trending。它的可自定义选项非常多并且提供的默认设置就很好看!支持 Firefox, Chrome 和 Safari


可怕,毛主席语录的法语是 petit livre rouge,小红书!

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总觉得我的学习材料有一种奇妙的相关性,比如我学法语这么久都没怎么学过骂人的话,零星知道一两个,结果我昨天看了一个视频,又看了一本漫画,突然就学会了大量 curse words​:aru_0190:

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法语 A2 学完了耶!最近学到了一个非常 rewarding 的阶段,经常昨天学的内容今天就用到,甚至一分钟前看到的新词一分钟后又看到了,开心开心


骑车过一个有遮挡的十字路口的时候左边没减速冲出来一辆车,还好我还隔着一段距离所以没事。车里面一个彪形大汉探出头冲我喊:sorry darling!

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