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A fight broke out under the kuka tree, and Olanna heard a child scream at another in Igbo, “Your mother's pussy!”


Of course much of this was tongue-in-cheek, but what it shows is how that word feminist is so heavy with baggage, negative baggage: you hate men, you hate bras, you hate African culture, you think women should always be in charge, you don’t wear make-up, you don’t shave, you’re always angry, you don’t have a sense of humour, you don’t use deodorant.

让我想到 里面写到的,人们认为穆斯林不能是 feminist,feminist 不应该戴头巾。

Three young men came up to me and told me they fancied me, but I could see from the way they talked that they really fancied themselves.


To illustrate the power of the atomic idea, suppose that we have a drop of water a quarter of an inch on the side. If we look at it very closely we see nothing but water—smooth, continuous water. Even if we magnify it with the best optical microscope available—roughly two thousand times—then the water drop will be roughly forty feet across, about as big as a large room, and if we looked rather closely, we would still see relatively smooth water—but here and there small football-shaped things swimming back and forth. Very interesting. These are paramecia. [...] This, of course, is a subject for biology, but for the present we pass on and look still more closely at the water material itself, magnifying it two thousand times again.

这个笑点真是 very interesting​:aru_0190:

Where humans are ambiguous, often contradictory and hard to understand, science is trustworthy and clear. It doesn’t lie to you, mask its meaning or talk behind your back.


Unlike a regular nine-to-five job (e.g., my summer internships) where I could leave my work at the office and chill every night in front of the television, research was emotionally and mentally all-consuming. I found it almost impossible to shut off my brain and relax in the evenings.

I ended up wasting a lot of time and not extracting any meaningful insights from my readings. I also rode my bicycle aimlessly in the neighborhoods around campus in futile attempts to think of new research ideas. Finally, I procrastinated more than I had ever done in my life thus far: I watched lots of TV shows, took many naps, and wasted countless hours messing around online. Unlike my friends with nine-to-five jobs, there was no boss to look over my shoulder day to day, so I let my mind roam free without any structure in my life.


Perhaps the sharpest distinction between science and pseudo-science is that science has a far keener appreciation of human imperfections and fallibility than does pseudoscience (or ‘inerrant’ revelation). If we resolutely refuse to acknowledge where we are liable to fall into error, then we can confidently expect that error - even serious error, profound mistakes - will be our companion forever.

2021 年看过的书就这样了吧,45 本 11704 页,依旧还有很多书想看。。
今年的选书不是很成功,很多书都是看到一些人猛推才去看的,结果看了一点儿也不喜欢,而且总是抱着一种“可能好看的在后面”的想法硬是看完了,结果最后果然还是不喜欢。。2022 年希望自己能够早点弃掉不喜欢的书,多看自己想看的。
接下来是一些私人猛推,tag 点进去是我的摘抄,要再点进原文才能看到串:

  1. 我觉得 Herta Müller 真的很好,她的语言和视角非常独特。她出生于罗马尼亚一个说德语的村庄,来到德国之后说的也并不是德国人的德语。对于我这种身在国外而且对语言感兴趣的人,她的很多对语言的思考和观察让我觉得非常亲切。Der König verneigt sich und tötet 应该算是散文集,里面提到了一些她其它书的写作思路和背景, (心兽)是我 2020 年看的,那本是小说,我觉得也非常不错,政治压迫敏感的人应该有共鸣。2022 年打算继续看她的书。
  2. 又名 Die Reise nach Petuschki/ Moscow to the End of the Line/ 从莫斯科到佩图什基。是一本题材和写作手法都非常独到的书。德语版的封面上写着 Die hochprozentigste Sauftour der Weltliteratur, 概括得非常准确,整本书写的就是主人公在从莫斯科到佩图什基的火车上不断喝酒,讲一些非常深刻幽默的胡话。很神奇的是书里主角最后的命运也预测了作者在现实生活里的命运,可能是作者早有预感。
  3. 钱德勒写的,可能是我推的这几本里剧情性最强的,cp 很好嗑,主角非常闷骚,虽然是第一人称视角但几乎没有心理描写,所有的情绪都在主角的行动以及和他人的对话中,所以细节非常丰满,故事也很精彩。是侦探小说,但我认为并不算推理小说,因为没有怎么给线索,都是主角自己有了一个猜测然后就去验证。
  4. 是今年看过的最满意的中文小说!主人公是一个数学家,在写一本古代的小说,一边讲他的小说一边穿插着他证数学定理的过程,两种叙事融合在一起,在奇妙的地方交叉。王小波真的很棒,看问题很透彻,而且他说的很多话在今天也完全适用,感觉中国其实没有怎么变。就是某些关于女性的性描写还是让我不太舒服。。
  5. Eine Woche voller Samstage 这应该算一个搞笑奖了吧,因为其实剩下的看过的书都没有那──么好了。这是本很轻松幽默的经典童书,看起来挺快的。忘记摘抄了,但真的非常有意思,逻辑很胡扯但又很自洽。

此外还想推荐一下几本对心理健康很有帮助的书:,讲情绪的来源, ,讲提升自制力但,,讲抑郁症的。
今年读过的一些烂书: (非常主观的评价)

Since the Dirac-Feynman path integral formalism is completely equivalent to the Heisenberg formalism, it most certainly contains the uncertainty principle.


Ich war gerade zwanzig Jahre alt geworden und verbrachte für ein Praktikum einen Sommer in London. Die Menschen dort stellten mir beim Kennenlernen andere Fragen, als ich es aus Deutschland gewohnt war. »Warum trägst du ein Kopftuch?«, gehörte beispielsweise nicht zum Smalltalk. Stattdessen wurde ich gefragt, was ich studiere und was mich, Kübra, interessiert, welche Musik, welche Filme. Die Menschen interessierten sich für meine Person, nicht für eine Repräsentantin des Islams. Sie interessierten sich für mich, nicht für ihre Projektionen auf mich.
Es war eine befreiende, aber auch verwirrende Erfahrung. Schließlich war für mich Smalltalk mit fremden Menschen nichtmuslimischen Glaubens in Deutschland immer gleichbedeutend gewesen mit der Inspektion meiner Herkunft, meines Glaubens, meines Verstandes, meiner Intelligenz, meiner Familie, meiner Psyche, meines Privatlebens.

其实我现在几乎没有被人关心我为什么会在德国了,基本上都是别人问我学什么的或者在德国多久之后我自己答的。一般 smalltalk 还是会问我的职业和兴趣爱好。我在想“德国人”喜欢关心某某问题是否也是一种 Stereotype… 作者也许有在德国到处跑所以更了解,我其实只清楚我呆过的几个城市而已。

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“Though we used different signed languages, these Chinese Deaf people and I could make ourselves understood; and though we came from different countries, our mutual Deaf culture held us together. By the end of the evening we’d talked about Deaf life in China, and about Chinese politics.” I nodded. “You couldn’t do that in China,” he said. “No hearing person could. So who’s disabled then?”

另一位女性,是围着炊事车的锅台转的,她说:“有时打完一仗,谁也没活下来 …… 热粥热汤全做好了,可就是没人来吃 ……”

啊,这就是 的开头…士兵想多要一份粮食,炊事员不让,因为他还不知道连里已经没剩几个人了…

顺便以上三人都叫 Дми́трий :aru_0160:

when I first came across the word “starship” in the science fiction books I used to like so much, I thought it came from the red stars on the sides of Soviet spacecraft




Sie kann sich so viel Zeit mit dem Abschied lassen wie die Bäume, die sich dem Jahr entziehen, jeder mit seiner eigenen Geschwindigkeit. Den Ahorn hat die Kälte schon erfasst, während in den Linden noch der Sommer steckt.

Arthur Dent was grappling with his consciousness the way one grapples with a lost bar of soap in the bath.




Liebe Frau Rothner, darf ich Ihnen eine Frage stellen? Und hier noch eine zweite:


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