Mannen hebben het zoals gewoonlijk makkelijker (terzijde: daarom bestaat er ook geen 'mannendag', dat is niet nodig. Allen zielige groepen als dieren, vrouwen en secretaresses kregen ééns per jaar één miezerige dag).
"I'm suffocating," said Pilate. "Suffocating!"
With a cold, damp hand he tore the clasp off the collar of his cloak, and it fell on the sand.
"It's stifling today, a thunderstorm is brewing," rejoined Kaifa, staring intently at the procurator's reddened face and foreseeing all the torments yet to come. "What a terrible month Nisan has been this year!"
"No," said Pilate, "it's not the sultry weather that's making me suffocate, it's you, Kaifa."
wenn du Minister bist, kannst du nicht richtig wissen und begreifen, was auf der Straße und im Himmel geschieht, denn auch wenn dein Zimmer ein Fenster hat, hast du nicht die Zeit hinauszuschauen: du hast zu viele Besucher, Gespräche und Anrufe. Und während der Hausmeister an den Schneeflocken auf den Mützen der Besucher leicht erkennt, daß es schneit, kannst du, Minister, das nicht, denn die Besucher lassen ihre Mäntel in der Garderobe, wenn sie sie aber dort nicht lassen, dann werden, solange sie auf den Lift warten und in ihm fahren, die Schneeflocken tauen. Das ist der Grund, Minister, warum es dir so vorkommt, als sei draußen immer Sommer, aber das ist nicht so.
While still at school I didn’t realize, of course, how hard it must have been for Mum and all our teachers: they were faced with the insoluble problem of teaching children to tell the truth whilst initiating them into a world of lies. The written law requires that truth be told, but the unwritten dictates that if you do, you’ll be facing the music later.
They taught us lies they themselves didn’t believe because they loved and wanted to save us. Of course, they were afraid of wrongly spoken words, but they were afraid for us even more than they were for themselves. The country, after all, was in the grip of a deadly word game. You needed to say the right words and not say the wrong ones. The line had never been drawn, but inside everyone sensed where it lay. Our teachers were trying to save truth-loving youths from folly, to inject them with a life-giving dose of fear. You might feel a little momentary sting, but then you’d have immunity for life.
We may have been badly taught in chemistry or English, but at least we got illustrative lessons in the difficult art of survival—how to say one thing, and think and do another.
在读 #Sapiens,进度 1/3,开篇以及事实部分还挺有意思的,但是中间以及观点部分渐渐地就 mansplaining 了,比如 collective imagination 那里,他说“自由平等都是人的想象,是不存在的,说到这里相信自由平等的人一定要跳脚了吧,哎呀我也没有说想象的就一定不好啊,确实只有我们全都相信自由平等才能建造出这样的世界”。我就觉得很搞笑,凭什么觉得别人会因为你讲讲他们本就知道的事情而跳脚啊,凭什么你认定物理世界的 reality 才是 reality 啊,你以为别人是不经过 argue 随随便便就相信一种价值观吗……
Once people get used to a certain luxury, they take it for granted.
尽管作者对 agricultural revolution 一贬再贬,但确实是稳定的食物来源让人有了更多的时间去创造。想想我抱怨一日三餐要耗费那么多时间,但其实以前人类一天到晚都要为吃的操心,所以一日三餐只用花那么一点时间已经很奢侈了,我现在能读书能有房子住也很奢侈。现在的价值观好像是有稳定的工作、家庭和住所是标准生活,但其实是挺奢侈的生活,没有也挺自然的。
What is it about intimacy that makes it so very disturbing?
在读 #ThinkingFastAndSlow,读到 10%,感觉跟我之前读的 #HowEmotionsAreMade 和 #TheWillpowerInstinct 重叠还蛮多的。
One way of avoiding subtractive colors when using pigments is pointillism, originated about 1885 by the French painter Georges Seurat. Small dots of saturated color paints are placed next to each other. When viewed from a distance far enough away so that the dots cannot be distinguished, the result is the additive color of the two pigments. In this way, green and violet dots would give white, and not the black that results when the pigments are mixed; the advantage is that much brighter colors can be achieved.
原来是这样!好聪明!就跟显示屏的原理一样!我还以为 pigment 只能 subtractive mix!
我查到 Pointillism 是 Georges Seurat 和 Paul Signac develop 的,正想说难怪我今天在画廊里见到的某幅画那么亮,结果一看就是 Paul Signac 画的!好巧啊啊啊
#读书 #TheFifteenCausesOfColor
Tom touched her arm and smiled. “You’re a lion, Agnes.“
#PillarsOfTheEarth #读书
最开始几章觉得有点无聊,讲的都是些麦田怪圈、UFO 这样比较过时的东西,不过主旨在于“一代人有一代人的迷信”,如果不能给公民良好的科学教育,那总会有新的愚昧产物蹦出来,辟谣是无止境的。现代人的迷信应该是磁场和量子力学吧?
后面就比较有意思了,讲了一些科学方法和态度,和生活联系比较紧。有一章专门是讲 sceptical thinking 的一系列工具(Baloney detection kit),非常实用。
我觉得我从这本书里学到的最重要的一个知识就是“科学是不怕犯错的”。Peer review 以及后人对前人著作的引用和批评都是科学的纠错机制。这直接让我在上一篇提交的论文里指出大佬的错误的时候大胆了很多;而且最近提交的两篇论文也都附上了代码:以前我就很怕代码里有什么错,现在认识到不公布的话错误永远也不会被发现。
#СмертьПостороннего #企鹅的忧郁 #读书
Before effectively condemning himself to death by refusing to work on the construction of a gas chamber, Ikonnikov turns to an Italian priest and asks a profound question in a haunting jumble of Italian, French and German: ‘Que dois-je faire, mio padre, nous travaillons dans una Vernichtungslager.‘
#ЖизньИСудьба #LifeAndFate #读书
作者前文提到了私域和公域的区分,比如和别人聊天或者自己酝酿想法的时候的零碎语言相当于“草稿”“笔记”,属于私域,这个时候不考虑读者。而后整理成写给别人看的文字的时候就要考虑读者的看法了,这个属于公域。我认为网络上的发言大多是混合的,毛象默认限字 500,看起来不像是一个能够好好说理的字数,很多人拿来当日记或者小范围群聊用,发表一些随意的自说自话或者不严谨的说理。但依旧会被一部分本来没有被预计在受众里的人看到的。
When addressing politics, we must accustom ourselves to think and speak about the actions and interests of specific, named leaders rather than thinking and talking about fuzzy ideas like the national interest, the common good, and the general welfare.
One researcher told me how his entire career had been devoted to the sensory biology of birds and, apart from once being asked to write a chapter for an encyclopaedia of bird biology, had received relatively little recognition. On retirement he had burned all his papers, and then - to his simultaneous dismay and delight - I started asking him about his research.
Es ist so: Das Land, in dem ich geboren wurde, gibt es heute nicht mehr.
读过《Notes on Grief》
引用一下 #HalfOfAYellowSun 里的句子:
Grief was the celebration of love, those who could feel real grief were lucky to have loved.